Planned Giving

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Gift of Stocks and Bonds

A gift of appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy way for you to make a gift to Ashland University.

Gift of Stock and Bonds
I realized I would have to pay a significant capital gains taxes on stocks I had for years...

Alumni, parents and friends have long utilized appreciated securities as an efficient way to make their gifts to Ashland University. This may be a good option for you.

Gifts of appreciated securities, stocks or mutual funds can be one of the most advantageous ways of giving. Long term appreciated assets, assets held longer than 12 months; offer donors a two-fold tax benefit. First, the donor may avoid paying capital gains tax on the increase in value. Second, the donor receives a tax deduction for the full fair market value on the date of the gift. Income tax benefits for most include deductions for their respective income brackets.

Donors reduce their income with donations up to a maximum of 30 percent of adjusted gross income in the year of the gift, with an additional five-year carry forward if needed.

It is important to remember that donors almost always avoid the capital gains tax by making a gift of securities. Another potential benefit of appreciated stock is getting it out of your estate and potentially avoiding estate taxes on.


Stock Certificates

Donors who possess paper stock certificates in their own name may make their gift simply by delivering the certificate(s) to Ashland University's Office of Development with a gold medallion signature guaranteed stock power of attorney and letter of intent. It is not necessary to reregister the stock in the name of Ashland University. Donors should not sign the back of the certificate(s).

If you do not personally deliver the certificate, use registered mail or regular private carrier to send the certificate to the Office of Development. Enclose the stock power of attorney and letter of intent in a separate envelope.

Stocks and Mutual Funds Held In A Brokerage Account

Increasingly more donors are utilizing electronic transfer to make their gifts. You may request electronic transfer of your securities gift from your broker to the Ashland University account at Irving Eisel.

Making a gift of securities to Ashland University

An electronic transfer of securities from your broker to Ashland University is simple. Provide your broker the following information to expedite the stock or mutual fund gift:

Irving Eisel Investments Inc.
DTC Number: 0443
Account Number: 5CV462544
Contact person: Nancy Grimwood
Direct line 419.289.6222
Ashland University Federal ID#34-0714626

To clearly identify the source of their gift, donors should notify Ashland University of their pending gift by completing the "Stock Gift Form" enclosed in this pamphlet or by letter, phone or e-mail. Occasionally it may be necessary for Ashland University to assist in the transfer. Gifts of stocks and other securities may also be used to fund various life-income plans. To discuss these options, please contact:

There is never an obligation or financial charge for our assistance.

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